Sunday, March 4, 2012

Product Placement in Movies

Ahh yes, its Friday night, you're out with some friends... whats on the agenda? To the movies! And so, after everyone gets financially raped in the cornhole buying $12-15 dollar movie tickets they get to sit and watch commercials for shitty local businesses nobody cares about. Seriously, more movie trivia, less lame ass commercials.

Then, the lights dim. Time for some movie previews? Nope, expect a fucking Coca-cola commercial or other product placement garbage first. Oh and did I mention the movie we're seeing is Transformers 3: Dark Side of the Moon?

*Watch Movie*

Wow! What a great movie! I don't think I saw even one advertisement for: 7-11, Adidas, Amp Energy Drinks, Apple, Bud Light, Buick, Canon, Chevrolet, Cisco, CNN, Facebook, Fedex, Ferrari, Firestone, Fox News, Gillette, Hummer, Lincoln, Lowe's, Macy's, Mercedes, Nike, Nokia, PEPTO BISMOL (wtf?), Pontiac, Starbucks, Target, Trump, Twitter or USA Today, did you?

JESUS PRODUCT PLACEMENT CHRIST, did the movie operate in the green even before release? Seriously, watch Blade: Trinity. Jessica Beil, while being a fine piece of ass, is APPLE'S WHORE. Or how about Iron Man 2's treasure trove of 54 different companies being advertised. FUCK.

As far as I'm concerned, there are only three movies that do product placement right: Spaceballs, Wayne's World, and Office Space. In spaceballs how can you go wrong marketing the Spaceballs The Flamethrower: A kids toy? Sheer genius.

And Lets not forget Wayne's World's take on advertising. They don't try to hide it whatsoever, Wayne outright sells that shit to you. Its pure gold and emphasizes the ignorance of product placement in movies.

And last, but not least, Office Space. Remember how Milton always mentioned his stapler? That RED Swingline stapler? Well, thing is, is that Swingline never made a red stapler before the release of this movie. The stapler was actually painted that color for the movie. And guess what? Swingline received so many requests for red staplers after the movie release that they actually began making a red stapler.

If you're going to advertise, cut the out the subtle shit and go full-boar obnoxious.